Yenga is a free, fast, fun way to learn and practice languages in real-time conversations with people.
*Instantly connect with people from all around the world.
*Select the language you want to speak and Yenga will find you a conversation adapted to your level in seconds.
*Practice in conversations in your target languages and exchange languages (speakers teaching each other their known languages).
*Practice Spanish, French, German, Italian, Russian, Portuguese, Catalan and English for FREE.
*Make friends, message them, send invitations or join their conversations.
*Yenga is the most productive way to procrastinate. Meet people, have fun, learn and practice languages running, commuting, cooking, laying on the sofa, checking messaging apps, checking social networks or doing whatever you want.
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Yenga adalah, cepat, cara bebas menyenangkan untuk belajar dan berlatih bahasa dalam percakapan real-time dengan orang-orang.
* Langsung terhubung dengan orang-orang dari seluruh dunia.
* Pilih bahasa yang Anda ingin berbicara dan Yenga akan menemukan Anda percakapan disesuaikan dengan tingkat Anda dalam hitungan detik.
* Praktek dalam percakapan dalam bahasa target Anda dan bahasa pertukaran (speaker mengajar satu sama lain bahasa mereka dikenal).
* Praktek Spanyol, Perancis, Jerman, Italia, Rusia, Portugis, Catalan dan Inggris secara GRATIS.
* Buat teman-teman, pesan mereka, mengirim undangan atau bergabung percakapan mereka.
* Yenga adalah cara yang paling produktif untuk menunda-nunda. Temui orang-orang, bersenang-senang, belajar dan bahasa praktik berjalan, Komuter, memasak, meletakkan di sofa, memeriksa aplikasi messaging, memeriksa jaringan sosial atau melakukan apapun yang Anda inginkan.
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ikon Emoji disediakan oleh EmojiOne
Yenga is a free, fast, fun way to learn and practice languages in real-time conversations with people.
*Instantly connect with people from all around the world.
*Select the language you want to speak and Yenga will find you a conversation adapted to your level in seconds.
*Practice in conversations in your target languages and exchange languages (speakers teaching each other their known languages).
*Practice Spanish, French, German, Italian, Russian, Portuguese, Catalan and English for FREE.
*Make friends, message them, send invitations or join their conversations.
*Yenga is the most productive way to procrastinate. Meet people, have fun, learn and practice languages running, commuting, cooking, laying on the sofa, checking messaging apps, checking social networks or doing whatever you want.
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